Each year, businesses across the country proclaim that THIS is the year that they will grow sales while simultaneously reducing the cost of doing so. A good place to start is to revisit your [...]
You can be an analytical, data-driven, steely-eyed businessperson all you like, but business is ultimately about people. That means business is also about emotions: yours and those of the people [...]
The battle for sales talent is never-ending and always challenging. The frequency of transition for sales professionals between companies makes the job of recruiting and retaining top salespeople [...]
What does it take to win the sale in today’s increasingly competitive environment? In The Challenger Sale: Taking Control of the Customer Conversation, authors Matthew Dixon and Brent [...]
In the current job market it is very competitive and you need to do everything you can to help you have a great interview. Perseverance pays The class of 2015 is going out into the business [...]
Network Your Way To Your Next Job When it comes to securing your next job title, you cannot rely completely on your education, experience and skill set to win over the hiring manager and land you [...]
Your Integrity is Everything If I had to give just one piece of advice, to anyone, in any career, it would be this: your integrity is everything. It’s at the core of who you are as a person. It [...]
Generally speaking selling by being the cheapest is not the way to go. There are exceptions and we can write about that another day. When you lead with price what happens is a competitor is [...]
Question:What is your greatest strength? Answer:The best answer is to follow up with using a few of the skills that were in the job posting for the position. It is not enough to just say business [...]